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Original still images created in a 3D graphics program such as Maya and Blender.

3d Graphics


3D Graphics

This category is for still images created in a 3D graphics program such as Maya, Blender, and 3DS Max.  No premade assets should be used in this category.  Pieces should be made from primitive geometry and modified by the student.  Paint effects, character rigs, and visor assets should be omitted, files used in textures are acceptable with proper documentation.  Digital sculpting is acceptable but major changes should be present from base mesh.  If a tutorial is used for the creation of the image, the URL should be noted in the credits.

  1. Individual or team project (2-3 members)

  2. Submit three (3) different camera angles

  3. Submit 24 bit color, 300 dpi as TIF or JPG

  4. Max size 2048 pixels

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